Al Samhah 242 Villa Community Transportation Impact Study, Abu Dhabi

The primary objective of the project was to provide infrastructure for the 242 Villa Community located in the Al Samhah suburb in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi. VNC undertook the traffic impact analysis to assess the adequacy of the proposed road infrastructure to cater for the peak hour vehicular trips of 533 vehicles.

Traffic operational assessment was carried out for the study area junctions using the existing year traffic counts and for forecast year traffic derived by projecting the traffic counts by growth rate of 2%. Analysis results indicated that the proposed infrastructure was satisfactory to accommodate the existing and forecast demand of the development.

The community is proposed with 3 access points; 2 accesses directly connecting with two existing roundabouts and 1 access is provided in the form of right in – right out. Site accessibility, parking layout, and circulation plan, emergency vehicle route plan, circulation plan, signage and marking were prepared. In addition, CAD GIS plots for the plots and road infrastructure was prepared as per the ITC guidelines.