Dona Lavanya

Roads Design Engineer

My Education Background:

  • Bachelor of Technology, Toms College of Engineering, Kerala, India
  • Master of Technology, IIT Madras, India
  • Highway geometric design
  • Pavement design
  • Pavement distress analysis
  • Road safety

My Key Skills

  • Highway geometric design
  • Pavement design
  • Pavement distress analysis
  • Road safety

Other Activities

  • Art
  • Singing

Every option is impressive until we design it.

Thanks for reaching out to my page. I’m Dona Lavanaya, a road design engineer at VNC. It all started in India back in 2022. After picking up my master’s degree in transportation engineering from IIT Madras, I dived into the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Funding Board to embark on my career in highway and pavement engineering.

For two good years, I actively engaged in project site inspections, designing highways, conducting thorough design reviews, and meticulously crafting project execution documents. My expertise extends to mastering cutting-edge pavement design software like IITPAVE, PAVEBACK, and KGPBACK.

Fast forward to October 2023, and VNC became my new home. Right now, I’m with the great minds handling the design component of our projects. I’m responsible for making sure our road designs not only meet our clients’ expectations but go above and beyond the highest standards of safety, functionality, and innovation.

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