Hoshi Hypermarket Traffic Impact Study, Sharjah

The Ramez Mall, a hypermarket proposed in the Hoshi suburb of Sharjah, spread over an area of 26,465 m2 is anticipated to generate 849 trips during evening peak hour trips.  VNC was appointed to study the potential traffic impact of the local shopping center, develop circulation strategies, and propose viable mitigation strategies.
Existing road infrastructure, traffic survey, and operational assessment were carried out to understand the without development scenario. Due to the proximity of the major corridor, Maleha Road, junctions within the study area were found to be operating with an unacceptable Level of Service (LOS). Forecast year operational assessment for without and with development showed multiple junctions failure in the performance.

VNC proposed network-wide mitigation measures by developing two options to enhance the performance of the failure junctions and road links based on future road network schemes. Both the options: Option 1: two-way and Option 2: one-way study area network options were carefully reviewed in terms of merits and demerits and proposed recommendations.

As part of this study, the parking layout plan, site accessibility plan, emergency vehicle route plan, circulation plan, signage and marking and swept path analysis were prepared as per the Sharjah guidelines.