Mobility Strategy for Nature-Based Resort – The Hilltown, NEOM

The Hilltown resort, proposed around the picturesque coves in the Magna District of GoA, focuses on the creation of a high-end luxury resort hotel anchored around nature, accompanied by destination & specialty restaurants, retail, spa, and wellness facilities. This resort is proposed to accommodate 828 guests & visitors and 150 staff during peak operation.

The objective of this study was to develop a mobility strategy that provides connectivity between the nature-based resort – The Hilltown – and the destinations spread across the NEOM in general and Magna in particular. To achieve objectives, VNC focused on preparing three levels of mobility strategies: Regional mobility, wider area mobility, and asset-wide mobility for the three user types – hotel guests, visitors, and staff.

Regional mobility was based on the GoA mobility strategy, primarily on regional access points of GoA for the hotel guests and visitors’ arrival through different modes of transport available during the various phases of NEOM development.

A wider area mobility strategy was developed between the Resort and Magna access points focused on guests’ arrival from Magna access points, visitors from different clusters of GoA, and staff journey from Magna Staff Village (MSV). Peak vehicle requirement during the day to transport the resort users was established based on the GoA mobility strategy report.
Asset-wide mobility focused on developing the internal circulation for all forms of mobility, within the asset, primarily on non-passenger vehicle modes. Mobility plans were prepared showing the vehicular, pedestrian path, and micromobility routes connecting the assets key attractions for guests, visitors, and staff.