R1118 Development of Abu Baker Al Siddique Road, Dubai

Abu Baker Al Siddique Road in Deira is facing complex mobility issues specifically during evening peak conditions as the corridor is located in the CBD area. In addition, the traffic growth in Dubai CBD areas and the through traffic destinating to Deira Islands worsen the traffic situation along the corridor in the future. Hence, the blend of traditional and emerging transportation solutions is paramount to implement at the right time to cater to the anticipated demand along the corridor and in the study area.

VNC’s role and responsibility are to undertake the modelling component of the project.  Dubai Strategic Transport Model (DSTM) is extensively used as a tool to assess the benefits of project improvements. As part of the project, three concept design options have been developed: complete streets, active transportation, and improvements to the road network. The qualitative assessment of the three options has been conducted using Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) and quantitative assessment using DSTM. The preferred option has been identified based on the best scoring among the three options.