Tahliah Street Traffic Study, Riyadh

Tahliah Street is located in Riyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The length of the project corridor Tahliah Street is 3.85 km. This corridor is a 3-lane dual carriageway with a central median and is operating at the posted speed of 70 kph. The corridor adjacent land use is predominantly characterized by high mixed-use development with retail as the dominant land use. This corridor proves to be critical specifically during the peak periods with grid-lock situations due to attraction trips.

The scope of the work is to conduct the traffic study for this corridor with innovative mobility concepts such that the shift happens from motorized transport to public transport as well as micromobility. Three concept options have been developed considering equal opportunities for cars, buses, micromobility, and pedestrians. With the help of the qualitative assessment, the preferred option has been selected and microsimulation has been conducted to assess the operational outcomes of the corridor proposals for the future scenario.