Transportation Equity

As a member of ITE (USA), I kept hearing this term “EQUITY” quite a lot in the webinars and journals but I never understood the practical definition of it. However, I always felt that there is a serious importance to this term. This is because, we don’t use this term in Middle East at all.

Equity (noun): freedom from bias or favoritism, the quality of being fair and impartial.

Equity is a complex, challenging topic and it doesn’t come with the checklists or standards. It routinely involves judgement and differences in thought. Because of this people often prefer to avoid the sensitivity of equity discussions altogether.

Some of the transportation equity topics:
1. Rural/urban funding priorities
2. Selection of professionals to design and plan transportation systems
3. Leaders trying to control to implement community solutions to fit their ego and interests

Exploring equity on many fronts has the potential to make future transportation systems better for all. Find the courage to listen,
understand, and seek meaningful change.