What is the future of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Mobility on Demand (MOD)?

MOD is a future with transportation as a commodity, and MaaS is aggregation of mobility using subscription services (both use smartphones and expanded mobility choices—including various emerging modes, e-scooters, e-bikes, Uber/Lyft/Careem, etc.).

Now, with the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in (such as COVID), what is the future of these emerging concepts? Like many out there, I’m at the risk of being
wrong on this topic, however, here is my take on the future based on what we currently know:
1. Any technology that shortens the travel time and reduces the user cost has the potential to quickly fill the vacuum left by COVID-19.
2. In mid-2020 in the US, reduced demand has severely impacted MOD services (60%), rail transit (90%) and buses (40%).
3. The days of 4-5% work from home (WFH) are over. I would anticipate a new normal in the range of 10-15%
4. E-bikes may become a cost-effective way to connect people to their work and services
5. Data will go from being king, to emperor – MOD services generate an immense amount of data. But artificial intelligence will play a key role in MOD’s future.